Kelli Hilton Library Media/JH Keyboarding/JH Novels/STEM |
Library Catalog--Search for library materials, place holds, write reviews, make lists, or send recommendations to friends. For log-in information see Mrs. Hilton. Teaching Books - Find a plethora of teaching resources and information for numerous books! eBooks-Visit the Follett Shelf section of the library catalog for availability. After logging in books can be viewed by any device with web access. iPad and Android tablet users--download the Destiny Quest app for easy book access! It will ask for the library URL, which is Log in with your library username and password, find the book you want, click 'checkout', then begin will automatically check back in after 14 days! To download the book to your device (so you won't have to view it in a web browser), you must also download the Follett Enlight K-12 Edition app. Insert your username and password, with the URL WBB37261. After downloading Enlight go into Destiny and click on the eBook you checked out. It will then ask if you want to open in Enlight, click 'yes', then 'download'. If you have questions or need further assistance see Mrs. Hilton.
Phone: 660.783.2163 | Email: Kelli Hilton |
Stanberry R-II 610 N. Park St. Stanberry MO 64489 |
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